loft hatch catch Lex 30
If you have a loft hatch catch lex 30 by Midmade, it was very probably purchased before 2006. By now, the loft hatch catch lex 30 is probably quite badly worn and in need of replacement.
Why is it worn? Well the inner part of the old lock, is made of a much softer metal than the key that opens the door. Over a period of time, and because most people do not lubricate the ladder correctly, the inner part gets worn out, the catch becomes rounded in the centre, the door will then not open or close correctly.
We have these products in stock and can despatch them to you very quickly indeed. Don't wait, get yours today from our website.
Loft Hatch Catch
We do sell different catch's for lots of different ladders, along with many spares for the midmade range, all at the best price possible. If you call our expert team, they will be able to help you with all your ladder needs.